Frequently asked questions

On this page, you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about our market-leading products, services, and solutions for filtering, conditioning, and drying of biogenic gases.

Select a relevant topic—or feel free to contact us with any further questions. We are here to assist you.



Activated carbon




What does Siloxa do?We provide products, services, and solutions for filtering, conditioning, and drying of biogenic gases, to achieve greater efficiency in biogenic gas cleaning.
What makes Siloxa unique?We are a one-stop shop, with over 25 years of experience, committed to delivering the most effective, sustainable, and economically efficient solutions for every stage of our clients’ biogenic gas cleaning needs.
What types of biogenic gases do Siloxa's products, services, and solutions work with?Mainly Sewage, Landfill and Biogas.
What products, services, and solutions does Siloxa provide?Siloxa provides high-quality activated carbon and iron hydroxide, a wide range of standard filters, specialized filters, equipment for gas cooling, heating, and drying, as well as adsorption drying. Additionally, we provide consulting, installation, and waste disposal services. Using our extensive expertise, we are also available to discuss servicing, maintenance and repair options, as well as custom-made solutions.
Who are Siloxa's customers?Operators, farmers, engineering companies, public organisations, distributors, OEM’s, and anyone else who needs help with their Biogenic gases.
Which countries does Siloxa service?We provide products, services, and solutions globally. Please get in touch with one of our offices in Germany, France or Italy to find out more, and discuss your specific needs.
Into which phases are the degradation processes of landfill gas divided?
  1. Aerobic Phase: In this initial phase, oxygen stored in the air is consumed, producing water, nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and higher molecular residual products.
  2. Anaerobic Non-Methane Phase (Acidic Fermentation): Bacteria that thrive with little or no oxygen produce nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and lower fatty acids. The CO2 content can rise to 80%, and the pH level can drop as low as 5.5.
  3. Anaerobic Unstable Methane Phase: Conditions stabilize, and methane-producing microorganisms become active.
  4. Anaerobic Stable Methane Phase: Under anaerobic conditions, organic components are broken down into methane and carbon dioxide, and the pH level increases to 8.5. At this point in the process, the gas consists of 50-70% methane and 30-50% carbon dioxide and is referred to as landfill gas.
  5. Declining Methane Phase: Methane production decreases, and air enters the landfill. This process intensifies with reduced gas production due to pressure fluctuations and diffusion.

Typically, the stable methane phase is reached one year after waste deposition.

Activated Carbon and service

What types of activated carbon does SILOXA supply?

With our diverse range of activated carbon solutions for gas purification, including the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), siloxanes, VOCs, and other contaminants, we offer a solution for every cleaning need.

More about types of carbon

What is unique about SILOXA's high quality activated carbon?In contrast to impregnated activated carbon, the production process of our high-performance activated carbon – in accordance with the ISDAC® doping process – does not clog the inner surface. As a result, the adsorption capacity for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is fully preserved.
Do you only supply activated carbon to existing SILOXA customers?No, we happily supply our activated carbon to all customers. Please get in touch to find out more and discuss your specific needs.
What types of delivery services do you offer for SILOXA's activated carbon?

We offer a standard delivery package, an express shipping option, and a 24/7 service option.

More about delivery

What other activated carbon services does SILOXA provide, besides delivery?We can help with the exchange and disposal of your activated carbon, we can also help with the optimal configuration of your plant, so that you will need less activated carbon in the future. As a foundation, we offer detailed gas analysis services.
Does SILOXA offer reactivated carbon?Yes, we offer different solutions for obtaining reactivated carbon. We do this through one of our partners, who is able to reactivate VOC polluted carbons as well as carbons loaded with sulfur. You can either buy reactivated carbon directly from us in BigBags or as filter fillings, or if you need a larger supply of reactivated carbon, we can build customer-owned reactivation pools. For further consultation, feel free to contact us!
Can everyone change the activated carbon in SILOXA filters?We offer different solutions, which are also dependent on the type of filter. For the MAKAs, it is possible for operators to change the filters themselves, for which we are happy to provide you with the necessary training. Alternatively, you can let us take care of this. For FAKAs, we generally recommend letting our experienced and highly trained execute the exchange, in order to  reduce potential malfunction and downtimes. Our staff is fully trained and equipped to handle activated carbon safely.
Do you offer disposal services for spent carbon?Yes, we collect your spent carbon and deliver to it to one of  several waste treatment suppliers we work with, for appropriate disposal. 
As the producer of the spent carbon, you are obliged to declare this waste. SILOXA only accepts hard coal-based loaded activated carbons from biogas cleaning, which are declared with waste code 150203.
Why does SILOXA prefer to discuss activated carbon in liters and not in kg?Our market-leading activated carbon filters, have a maximum filling capacity in liters. To ensure your filter is always at optimal performance, our  high-quality activated carbon is measured and delivered in liters, not kilograms. The same applies for filters supplied by other manufacturers.
What are the key differences between the various activated carbon types?In our extensive product range, you will find a wide variety of quality products, from high-performance carbon to basic carbon, all specifically designed to remove hydrogen sulfide or VOCs. We also offer reactivated carbon, so please contact us to find out more.

Installation services

Does SILOXA also provide products, services, and solutions for biomethane gas plants?As a pioneering organisation, with over 25 years of experience and with its roots in plant development, SILOXA is at the forefront of the switch from CHP Biogas plants to biomethane gas plants.
What services does SILOXA offer for installations and  systems?We can provide support and advice on a comprehensive list of services and solutions, in order to guarantee the safe and efficient running of your installations and systems, including maintenance, servicing, and repairs. Please get in touch to find out more and discuss your specific needs.
Does SILOXA also offer services for installations and systems, not obtained via SILOXA ?We offer activated carbon delivery and exchange service for systems not obtained from SILOXA, and we can also offer spare parts. Unfortunately, we are not able to do the maintenance and servicing for these installations.
What support does SILOXA provide during and after installation?We provide full support during and after the installation of your gas cleaning and/ or conditioning system, including preliminary checking of the whole system set-up, system support during start-up and initial optimisation, training, and after-sales support.


What kind of gas cleaning filters does SILOXA provide, and how do I choose the right one?We provide the largest range of fixed and mobile gas cleaning filters. Please get in touch to discuss your specific installation and needs and let us help you choose the right solution.
Which types of gases are suitable for the stationary activated carbon adsorbers (FAKA)?FAKAs are especially designed for higher raw gas loads and volume flows. In combination with the suitable activated carbon, FAKAs can be used to remove various pollutants (especially H2S and/or VOCs, including Siloxanes) for example from biogas, sewage gas, or landfill gas.
How are SILOXA Filters designed?The bottom of the filter vessel is cone shaped, to allow for easy emptying of the spent carbon. The top section is designed for refilling with a Big Bag in mind. Gas, which is introduced for purification, always flows from bottom to top. To determine the optimal moment for replacement of the spent carbon, gas samples for analysis can be taken from measuring points on the adsorbers. Analysis can be done through an H2S analyzer or through regular laboratory analyses. All our filters are designed to maximize efficiency (optimal usage of carbon in the filter) as well as easy exchange of carbon to reduce OPEX costs.
What is the difference between the one and two chambers version of the FAKA?Due to the separation of the two chambers in the FAKA K2 models, it is possible to safely utilise 100% of the capacity of the lower chamber. The upper chamber acts as a safeguard to prevent breakthrough of the contaminant load. This ensures maximum utilization of the activated carbon in the lower adsorber chamber and significantly reduces operating costs. SILOXA was first to develop and introduce this two-chamber process on the market, as early as 2003.
How do I determine which FAKA filter is best suited for my needs?Selecting the FAKA best suited for your needs is dependent on the gas throughput, the contaminant load, and the most economic interval period for replacement of the activated carbon. As a general rule, the higher the raw gas contamination and the greater the volume flow, the larger the activated carbon filter should be.
What are the benefits of a MAKA compared to a FAKA?MAKAs can be exchanged with a simple plug-in and -out system, making the replacement of the adsorber extremely quick and clean—activated carbon is never handled outside the filter. When you purchase a SILOXA MAKA, you automatically gain access to our exchange pool system. Additionally, the MAKA system allows operators to perform the replacement themselves. We offer training to ensure it is done correctly. Combined with our delivery service, this provides you with exceptional freedom and flexibility.
Can I take part in the SILOXA exchange pool system with a mobile adsorber not supplied by SILOXA?When you purchase a SILOXA MAKA, you automatically gain access to our exchange pool system. Please note that we only include adsorbers of the same construction and quality in our pool. Currently, no other providers meet the high-quality standards of the MAKA.
If you have a mobile adsorber from a different provider and are interested in working with SILOXA , we are happy to explore a solution with you.

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